Angi Taylor Show Recap with Jay the Gay - 8-6-2021

This is a small taste of the show overall, the bits and bobs that I found interesting and funny, insightful and relevant. To hear everything that happened, check out the podcast version of the show. If you want a quick read along with random self inserts and my personal thoughts, you've come to the right place.

Call in Point:

(This is the broadstroke canvas on which I base my call, obviously these notes are going to be longer and more detailed.)

Yesterday, a fire rose on The Angi Taylor Show and putting it out required some quick thinking and a lot of Jack Daniels in between song breaks. What ascended from the ashes was a vision, an idea to save a segment that was on its last legs because you can't trust giving the power to the people. That's right, Request Wars 1.0 was taken out back and shot by Angi yesterday (Abe was too busy crying to pull the trigger.) Once the corpse was tossed into a shallow grave, frankentits went to work creating us a brand new version of the beloved show staple. Debuting this morning, Request Wars 2.0 basically takes all the great elements that once made Request Wars great, trims off the fat and makes it into a beast. This is still a roadie song choice contest only now, instead of letting them talk smack, Angi and Abe do it for the songs. However because this show is made for the roadies, they are brought in as well. That's right, anybody can call and side with Angi and Abe, trash or praise the songs, it's the same Request Wars you knew and loved only made 100% better. With this will also come an actual physical Request Wars belt. It will be carried around like an actual title, the winner taking it with them everywhere. So with all that out of the way, let's get to today's smack around. Abe was handed "Buried Myself Alive" by The Used, picked by roadie Amber. As for Angi, she got "Domination" by Pantera which was requested by Head Roadie Zack. In a fairly even competition, Abe was able to edge Angi when the voting was said and done and she was not happy. As Abe celebrated his immense victory and the taking of the inaugural Request Wars 2.0 title, Angi did not handle it well. Anger, rage, throwing furniture, it was the rekindling of the fire that started yesterday and no one is safe from her wrath. Imo, this is going to be the literal best thing every morning so make sure you are tuned in at 7:10. Also, if you have a request, send it on over to Angi or Abe via their socials or email the show and let them know what you want to hear. Sure, they may be playing but you are in control of the songs.

All the Rest:

So, in what we can only assume was trauma from enduring Angi's absolute rage yesterday, Abe had a nightmare last night. It involved Angi, which again makes sense after he saw a side of her yesterday that he had yet to see. After her raging meltdown and subsequent screaming at the roadies, Abe was transported back to his traumatic childhood of being yelled at by his grandma. Anyway, because the talk revolved around his birthday and Angi being mentally spent. In his nightmare last night, Abe was dreaming that he was at a surprise birthday party for Angi. In this dream, there was a double fold reason for Abe to be upset. It started with him being messed with by an unknown party. They took all the parts out of his computer and then taped them to his monitor, which for whatever reason scared him. Moving through the party, he went to the front door where there was a tall man in a trench coat standing outside of it. The stranger was holding a gun and before Abe could really figure out any more about it, he woke up. Right to the shower after his nightmare, Abe didn't have time to consider it because he went right to the studio after that. Needless to say he was quite jumpy all morning due to the incident. He spent most of the show looking around the studio all spooked, wondering if the man with the gun was coming for him. He did eventually come to the conclusion that the trench man might have been a guy who pushed carts at Walmart who was in his 40's. As for Angi, she was not murdered at a surprise party for her last night, instead she was at The Red Barn Restaurant doing a live appearance. There was a sizable and lively crowd visiting her there and included our Head Roadie of Sandy's and Male Strippers. The new 95.5 truck was out there as well showcasing the cool stuff the station is giving us now that people are getting reacclimated and the ratings are up. I should add btw that Angi gave Abe grief for discussing his dream. She explained it away as anyone who had kids does and they have a long dream story to tell that takes 5 hours and you're just sitting there forced to listen to it. So hateful, I would cancel that surprise party for her now.

Bad dreams it seems weren't the only thing that were holding back Abe yesterday. When he left the show yesterday, making sure to avoid Angi in the parking garage because he was afraid of her. The thing was, he got to his car after ducking her throwing things throughtout the parking garage and got inside his car. Turn it on and boom, it wouldn't start. There was a mention yesterday that the tire was leaking and last I checked, a leaking tire is not going to keep him from being able to go. He navigated the garage and found out that they actually had air. He added some to his tire and still, the car was not going to start. Opening the hood, he found out that his battery was leaking (it was all corroded and leaking acid according to him.) The guys who offered Abe the air were still there and offered Abe a jump. When finally arriving home, Abe called around to 5 different places to have things taken care of for him. He does have a go to mechanic (as one should,) but unfortunately for him, it was his friend who had just gotten married last Saturday. After calling around, no one was willing to answer or call him back (because of reacclimation and the like.) When he finally did find a place, he took his car in and had the battery changed. As a reward to himself, he ended up going to Chipotle. Inside was a guy screaming at the dude who was working behind the counter. His invoked rage was spawned from not getting enough meat put into his burrito. Angi had to chime in to point out that she can't understand how people can just yell at strangers for the sake of it. Furthermore, everywhere is completely understaffed and then the poor people working there have to deal with these loser idiots who are screaming about meat. Imagine being in that kind of situation and dealing with it daily. Abe gave his thanks to the people who do this and deal with this. When Abe and Angi see it in person, it gives them pause and they just can't understand how they do it.

Finally, the team from Make a Wish stopped into the studio for a quick visit and promotion. With them was Connor, who himself was a Make a Wish kid. When he was 4, he had leukemia. Luckily for him, he has been in remission for 25 years (he is currently 30 years old.) When he was a kid, his wish was to meet Donald Duck and so he and his family were given a trip to Disney World. While they were there, they also got to cut the lines and stay in a special village. Angi totally understands and sees resilience in those kids. The great thing about Make a Wishes being granted brings a ton of hope and inspiration for these kids. Though the memories may be dark, this gives them a chance to sit down and take a breath. They can enjoy themselves sometimes and get away together as a family. Connor's sister though was none too thrilled about it all and she was quite resentful. Anyway, tomorrow Connor and the Make a Wish team are doing an event called Over the Edge. They will be repelling down 36 floors from the Hyatt Regency. The idea is to conquer fears and showcase strength kind of the way Make a Wish does. If you're downtown tomorrow, go check it out.

Request Wars 2.0:

Angi's (repping Zack) Song Choice: "Domination"

Abe's (repping Amber) Song Choice: "Buried Myself Alive"

Observation: 2.0 Request Wars is a literal lit hit and let me tell you, this fresh coat of paint, the addition of bells and those silly whistles has made the game fresh, fun and fantastic.

Winner: Abe

Don't Kill Angi Weekly Recap:

Angi Was Looking to Get on a Boat

Mon: Cassie had Angi get on the Ass N' Grass boat. Angi stripped down into her one piece. The owner was enraged and threw her off the boat. Angi's drowning but the owner of The Old 69er fetches her out of the water with a net.

Tue: Stephanie had Angi pick the name Jabba the Slut. Angi hates the name and jumped into the lake. A helicopter flew by and dropped a ladder. It was Jar Jar Kinks flying the helicopter and he saved her from death.

Wed: Bill had Angi jump out of Jar Jar Kinks helicopter and free fall right into Lake Michigan. She did an Olympic style triple flip and ended up swimming to the beach.

Thur: Dave had Angi attempt to jump on a jet ski with an enormous man. It's Bobby Jenks and he's mad that Angi let Ozzie Guillén call in on Wed and talk ish about him. He does a doughnut and crashes into Angi, causing her to sink and drown.

Fri: Ray had Angi kill a bunch of influencers and steal their boat. She did it for the gram bitch and put the video on WorldStar. Angi not only lived but also got her boat finally.

10 o' Clock Toast:

The Roadies. This was one for all the Head Roadies and roadies who came out to see Angi at The Red Barn Restaurant yesterday evening.

Show Quotes and Tidbits:

Quote: "I kind of live my life like I live in an airport." - Angi

Quote: "I guess I'm not getting a sandwich today because Abe ate both of them." - Angi

Quote “Hey slutbag, where are ya? Come here! I’ve got something for ya, bitch!” - Minn Barb

New Head Roadie Alert! Congrats Frankie, Head Roadie of Wrestling Fans

New Head Roadie Alert! Congrats Jeff, Head Roadie of Not Going Downtown

New Head Roadie Alert! Congrats Dave, Head Roadie of Walmart

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