Angi Taylor Show Recap with Jay the Gay - 8-5-2021

This is a small taste of the show overall, the bits and bobs that I found interesting and funny, insightful and relevant. To hear everything that happened, check out the podcast version of the show. If you want a quick read along with random self inserts and my personal thoughts, you've come to the right place.

Call in Point:

(This is the broadstroke canvas on which I base my call, obviously these notes are going to be longer and more detailed.)

So today was a momentous day for so many different reasons and all of them involved Angi. It was building and we sometimes got close to it but Angi has never had an absolute full meltdown on the show until today. It began with the bullying and dragging of her through the streets but it really ramped up during Request Wars. Well, Request Wars 1.0 as it will now be known after today. You see, for the last three days, we had players who did not show up to challenge Darby. Today seemed to be the day that would break the streak but well, something entirely different went down. Darby was running a little late but made it on time (I was on standby for him just in case for my now retired Request Wars dragging.) It was Bill though, who no showed that cracked Angi to the absolute brink. She turned to a back up player Aaron (while I stood on the line to drag Bill after the pair battled it out) but Aaron was not prepared and with his word stumble and lack of smack ready to go, Angi exploded. Furniture was thrown, the window almost broke because Angi tried to jump out of it and Abe was cowering in fear in the corner. With a literal fire in her eyes and the rage boiled over, Angi made an executive show host decision. She was done, Request Wars is over and that was it, she had enough. Calming slightly and coming to her senses, Angi pulled the plane back up seconds before it crashed into the ocean. Request Wars is dead, long live Request Wars. The new version of it will work like the original did. Each morning 2 songs will be pulled out and battle one another. Voting will still be done but the roadies will only submit songs now. Angi and Abe will do the smack talking and they will even sometimes choose the songs. I can't really speak more on it because obviously this is a total tear down work in progress so you'll need to tune in tomorrow to see how things go from here. That said, I feel like a proper way to close this chapter of Request Wars is to leave you guys with some stats.

First Battle:Jan 11th- myself vs. Head Roadie Sandy (I ate her.)

Our G.O.A.T. Champion: Mario, who won 6 matches and came back twice to defend his title. He would win both those defenses.

Most Requested Band: Metallica. Requested 22 times, they literally went 50/50 with 11 wins and 11 losses.

Most Consistent Band: AC/DC. Requested 6 times, won each time.

Overall, there were 132 unique bands requested during the first go round of Request Wars and 140 unique players played our silly little game.

If you'd like to see any of this and more, check out The Angi Taylor Show Facebook Group.

All the Rest:

Well, it only took 10 months but the truth is finally out there and I for one am relieved. Angi is a bully, there I said it and I don't have to worry about the repercussions of thinking it or saying it out loud anymore. I guess I should explain what occurred that finally allowed me and all the countless others she bullied the freedom to express ourselves. Yesterday, Angi had an Instagram post pulled down for having bullying/inappropriate content. Obviously, the first thing she assumed was that ever suffering show husband Jay the Straight ratted on her for threatening him in her post. Here's the thing though, Instagram is not a fan of ribbing and so her mean spirited threat led to her getting a strike on her account. Two more and she's getting kicked off of Instagram and if that happens, the world will explode. She quizzed Abe on if he had ever been reported on any of his accounts but he is a good boy so of course not. Obviously though he's done something wrong at some point, why else would Frank Thomas have blocked him. Once more, Abe asked for an unblock from Frank (he's really bending the set rules on this show hard these days.) Anyway, Jay the Straight was literally dragged out of bed to be dragged on the show. It was 6 A.M.ish and Angi had ruined his sleep because that's what bullies do. With him on the line, Angi gave a bit of backstory as to what led to her now infamous Instagram post. Her and Jay the Straight were chilling at the house listening to music last night and having some drinks. Angi brought up an upcoming Master P No Limit tour and how she kinda wanted to go, as she is a No Limit soldier after all (don't ask.) Jay the Straight told her she could go to the concert alone and it ended up turning into a funny tweet from him. In turn, Angi stole his tweet and posted it on her Instagram along with a threat/intimidation/bullying retort. If you're curious what she said, it was "don't sleep hoe." I probably should note that you shouldn't be calling your husband a hoe on Instagram, he may rat you out. Anyway, someone saw this spousal abuse and flagged the post for bullying. With Angi backed into a corner, Jay the Straight felt confident enough to admit that Angi is indeed a bully. In fact, cameras in the house have been picking up instances of her bullying for years now (which can be found on Angi's OnlyHands page.) Angi was trying to understand why Jay the Straight reported her and then indicated that snitches get stitches. She doesn't feel that it's fair because if she wants to bully her husband on her own social media, she should have the right to do that. The PC police are circling the wagons around her and unless she cleans up her act, they're going to dump her in the Chicago River. The lesson we were to take away from all this is don't bully your husband. In fact, Jay the Straight decided to add on to this point and add that you should make posts about how great he is. Abe, knowing that Angi was vulnerable and this was his chance for a power play, dog piled on Angi as well. After a little more back and forth, Jay the Straight admitted that he didn't report her on Instagram and then dropped the bombshell that he actually has her blocked on Instagram. Abe continued coming to the defense of his boy Jay the Straight by showcasing that he has never seen a tribute post toward him by Angi. Jay, on the other hand, did this amazing Instagram post thing for V-Day showing how amazing his wife is. She did nothing because all she does is post thirst traps and bully poor Jay. Angi became even more enraged about the V-Day thing because they have a rule about not caring about V-Day. Now that she's on their radar, Angi will stick to just thirst traps on Insta. If you want to see her bully Jay the Straight, check her out on Twitter.

Outside of all the insanity and melting down, there was also time for discussions today as well. In fact, we had two different ones that were worth exploring. The first involved insults and this was kind of fitting because the person who ducked out on Request Wars deserves to be insulted. However, the insults I would love to throw and drag them with would involve a ton of swearing and extremely rude name calling. Of course though, this is morning radio and we can't swear so instead Angi was seeking the best insults that could be done without swearing. She found a thread on Reddit that discussed plenty of them and she pulled a few that she really liked. There was the classic "you have a face for radio," which means you're ugly as sin and no one should see you. This makes sense because there are some people in radio that deserves to be there, with their ugly old rotting faces. Another looks based insult, "are you tired?" is a perfect way to lob at those who look like their face has given up on trying. "You're impossible to underestimate," which I perceive as, you're a completely boring loser who does the same thing over and over and still suck. "As an outsider, what's your perspective on intelligence" which is a nice way of saying I've seen tree stumps with more sense then you dummy. "Anyone that ever loved you was wrong," which means you're garbage and that person is stupid for buying into you. Another good one, "if you're the prize at the end of the race, I'm walking backwards." That's some fierce shade and even then I wouldn't want that participation medal. Poor Ray was told by his boss of all people that he has "the smallest brain in the biggest body." Steve loves to tell his sister "I don't smell anything, I think it's your upper lip." Phil "how do you think life would've been if your mom would have swallowed." Tim added "were you born dumb or do you have to work at it." Lastly Sam threw in "really, you're the sperm that won?"

Finally, as we learned yesterday during the Abe Kanan sad reality birthday festival, he is no longer viable in the athlete department. That's right, before yesterday, Abe was actively being scouted by the NBA but as soon as he dipped his toe into a touched 40, all the contracts died up. He was buried under the sad realization that his NBA dreams are dead and gone. However, it wasn't only Abe who was triggered by this realization. Jay the Straight, listening in to probably figure out what new horrible torture thing that Angi plotting against him, heard about Abe's shattered dreams. In considering what he was saying, he realized that he felt the same way as well. Too old to do anything that he wanted to do before, all his dreams were now dead as well. Even though they're both on the downward spiral, Angi and Abe do have accomplishments under their belt. Abe has that literal killer NBA worthy hookshot, though I'm sure with his bad shoulder that it will also be dead soon enough as well. As for Angi, she's run five triathletes in her life (and yes, it's supposed to be triathlons but she made that mistake while speaking so I'm leaving it in.) Angi was curious though, if you had the chance to possibly do things over, what would you have stuck with? Like were you awesome at football, baseball, any other sport that you could have made it into a career if you tried? This could be applied to career as well, would you have chosen a different one if you could do it all over again? Abe started to discuss all the stocks that he could have bought and how life would be different if he did. Obviously, he completely missed the whole point of this topic but he tried to explain it away as that his job should have been to be rich. Sure, let's just let it slide because I can't deal with that today after all the Angi mess I had to cycle through. Going to the roadies, Candace called to say that she had been on varsity swimming but she let it go. She feels as though she could have been a medal contender in The Olympics if she had stuck with it. This inspired Abe to give us a second stupid idea, this being about his Pinewood Derby Championship that we hear about far too often. Obviously, Uncle Rick would have to keep making the cars but just think of Abe as a 40 year old Pinewood Derby champ. Julie called to say she wished that she would have come out as transgender earlier. Obviously being trans is a big life decision that comes with complications, including getting hired which is hard to do when you're trans. Either way, good on you Julie for living your truth.

Request Wars:

Current Champion: Darby

Champion Song Choice: "Thunderstruck"

Challenger Song Choice: "Psychosocial"

Observation: That's it, Request Wars 1.0 is officially dead and over. If you want to know how and why things ended, read my call in point.

Final Roadie Winner: Darby

10 o' Clock Toast:

Angi. She had a hell of a day today but she's hit the reset button and is looking forward to seeing the roadies tonight.

Show Quotes and Tidbits:

Quote: "Are a lot of wrestling fans very emo?" - Angi

Quote: "My instagram is for thirst trapping and bullying my husband." - Angi

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