Angi Taylor Show Recap with Jay the Gay - 8-3-2021

This is a small taste of the show overall, the bits and bobs that I found interesting and funny, insightful and relevant. To hear everything that happened, check out the podcast version of the show. If you want a quick read along with random self inserts and my personal thoughts, you've come to the right place.

Call in Point:

(This is the broadstroke canvas on which I base my call, obviously these notes are going to be longer and more detailed.)

Because Abe was at a wedding on Saturday (as we've heard about last week and now this week as well,) it would make sense that this topic came up. I mean, we all know Abe is never getting married so his advice shouldn't be considered here (but that said, there's an incredible piece of ridiculous advice he gives later.) As for Angi, she's been married for 10 years so she can throw in some thoughts on this. Anyway, Angi had read up a list of unpopular opinions on marriage that have been given. Before breaking down the list she also explained that unpopular could also be constituted as controversial and bad advice as well. From her list, there was a handful that made sense and fit the idea/narrative that was being painted here. Don't worry, things go off the rails as one would expect quite fast once we're past these points. "Plan for a divorce before you tie the knot." Because going into a relationship knowing it will probably fail is a great outlook on things. "Have separate bank accounts and homes too." The bank accounts isn't really terrible advice but then seperate homes. Have these people seen the price of housing these days, get out of her with that mess. "Make sure that the family is not too involved in the marriage." This kind of makes sense as well because let's be realistic, some people in your family are probably morons or just bad people who should never be consulted. "Soulmates aren't really a thing." I get why this is unpopular because it doesn't make sense. Angi agrees, we all can find great loves at different times and those can and probably are your soulmate. Abe chimed in that if your soulmate dies, you go find another one. I don't think it works like that and Abe is nuts. Personal opinion here, I believe in the idea of three great loves. The first who opens your eyes to it, the one in the middle that guides you and changes you and the last one who gives you the love you've always sought and can't imagine life without. "Never propose out of the blue." There's nothing worse than dropping a proposal without thought because you did something stupid like knock up a girl you've only known for months. Angi's opinion is to "go to bed angry" and I agree with her on this and I won't hear otherwise. You fight, you fight some more and then you sleep on it. Some problems can not be solved before bed and sometimes when you approach a situation with a fresh pair of eyes, things end up being more clear. You should always try to find a way to clear your head and rationalize before taking flying leaps into things. Then we got Abe's advice and I've said it before but sometimes he causes my soul to take flight and this was one of those times. His advice was "set your garbage can on fire." His idea here is that people have to run outside to check out the fire and in doing this, you will see a person at their most basic core. No makeup, ratty clothes, etc. If you are looking for real, you're not getting any closer than torching your trash. Marriage is all about being dressed up and you don't see the real them. Christ, my brain is melting typing this. Angi cleaned it up to say what he meant was that "see people at their worst" which still doesn't add to the topic I think. I don't know anymore, let's just get to the roadies thoughts. Jill said to "get a prenup." Angi didn't have one because her and Jay the Straight were both broke. Though Angi agrees about having one because she has a friend who has to pay $2,000 in alimony to her deadbeat ex for 5 years now. Jessica called in to explain how she had a co-worker tell her that "cheating on his wife made him love her more." Head Roadie Doctor of Dance said that if you're going to get married, have them come over prior "and see you when you're ill or sick and see how they treat you." Honestly, I agree with Angi that it really isn't bad advice and it makes sense to know how people will act when sick. According to her btw, all men are bitches when sick, I don't know if I agree on that though.

All the Rest:

Oh no you guys, Abe is all fired up and ready to go on a tangent again this morning. At this rate, you probably should just wear a hard hat and some form of eyeglasses to dodge the debris that is more than likely going to come flying out of Abe's mouth each morning. Today's rant was all about the parking garage because as we're starting to learn, Satan himself apparently built it. As you've heard plenty of times before, there is no shortage of issues that this garage tends to drive forward for the pair. It usually involves the security arm that tends to get torn off at least once a week by some random person. This is done by those who don't want to pay the $57 dollar parking, the people who don't know better and I'm assuming a few times by Angi pulling out of the garage hammered to the gods. Then there's the operator who has to show people how to swipe their cards. Of course, the people who don't even know how to operate the garage and how to exit it get slammed on top of that as well. Let's not forget that rant about the motorcycles that Angi went on Friday. If you missed it and don't feel like going back to read the old notes, the long of the short involved motorcycles stealing a full spot. The garage was full of them, apparently phantom bikers were causing parking headaches and Angi was just not having it, etc. Anyway, back to the present and today and oh boy, Abe was just out for parking garage blood. Whereas most days it's just a complaint or dig about one specific thing, he was so fired up we got a laundry list of complaints. It started with the garage door that for whatever reason did not open up this morning. This garage btw is expensive and fairly decently constructed so to encounter problems with it day in and out is crazy. However, the broken door was not the only issue in Abe's bag of complaints, oh no sir. There was parking, which apparently even though the building is empty. Like every spot is consumed by cars that no one owns and or the motorcycles that are taking all the spots. Then there's the spots, themselves, which if measured with a ruler are roughly 3 inches apart. As Abe essentially called it, this parking garage is an absolute disgusting messy thoughtless rude little pig. Speaking on those spots btw, they cost a literal ton to actually use them. This doesn't take into consideration the VIP spots, which got their own stab in the rant. Those spots, of which there are about 100 and in primo spots, cost $575 a month. If you are one of the people who actually uses these spots, you are too rich and you make absolutely too much money. I guess I should make a point that there is only 1 of those in use btw and the other 99 sit idle. Abe couldn't help but wonder where in the building the people who can afford to pay that kind of money for the spots actually work. Actually, since no one works in the building, why are these spots even there? Here's a thought, cut down these spots until people are done reacclimating in like two years and finally come back to work. Well anyway, after the bubbling rage finally started to subside about the garage, it was also mentioned that Angi and Abe got yelled at this morning for being late. The first talking portion of the show was at 5:11 A.M. and they've been told time and again to not bother showing til 6. In other words, everyone and everything was just a complete bitch this morning.

Here on this show, since we spend time goofing on Vince Neil for being a pig, it would make sense to also discuss a list about ways we are ruining our bodies. Rewinding it back slightly, if you missed it we have a new game called Vince Neil Jeopardy. The way that game works is pretty simple, you'll be given a list. For example, a desk of cake, a two pound family size Encore meal, several robin eggs stolen directly out of a nest, a 3 pound slab of ham, several boxes of Duncan Hines cake mix, a drum of Cinnabon icing, 15 bags of early released Halloween candy, a crate of Salted Caramel Brownie Oreos, a tray of cookie dough and a Diet Coke. The correct answer to this pondering would be "What does Vince Neil consume after a 15 course dinner?" Anyway, stuff like that is more than likely ruining our bodies and Angi has a list of 8 ways that it's occurring. It should be noted that if we were to follow this list, Angi would/should be six feet under right now. Since she's already a mess, we checked to see if Abe should be joining her.

1. Not getting enough Vitamin D. - Abe is definitely not getting enough (especially when the boys stopped coming round as well after the incident with Abe and the break in.)

2. Junk light. - By this it means not getting sunlight, only light you get is from lightbulbs. Anyway, Abe is definitely in the dark way too much (that glass closet has no light.)

3. Too much stress. - Abe lives an absolutely stress free life.

4. Not moving around enough. - Before maybe but he's about to be 40 tomorrow so he moves around alot, has lost weight. Yes we factored him moving into The Ivory Tower.

5. Too much sugar. - Yep, he eats everything. As for Angi, now that she's stopped drinking wine every day, she's moved on to brown liquor and that's apparently better for her.

6. Spending enough time in nature. - Neither for Abe or Angi. They have no time for nature. Also, even though they need fresh air, they're about to have no windows so....

7. Bad bedtime habits. - Browsing, scrolling, watching certain things likeJersey Shore Family Vacationbefore bed, that's definitely him. Angi is in the same boat.

8. Not getting enough water. - Abe is good here, he drinks a ton. Angi just drinks alcohol.

Finally, we normally discuss my personal favorite roadie Big Cat on Tuesdays because that is his call in day. It should be mentioned that he also shows up toward the tail end of our Tuesday shows but today, we got a double dose of discussing him. It all began early this morning when Big Cat's friend Cheffy called in looking to see if there was a set time that Big Cat could call in on Tuesdays. He wanted this because like most people, he enjoys hearing his friend on the radio (shout out to my friends who actually listen to my call ins.) During this call from Cheffy, we learned a couple of insightful bits about Big Cat. He is always drunk on Tuesdays (duh,) he is great at golf, he indeed does have the body of a Greek god (Angi/Abe get some goddamn pics already will ya,) and he never tells a lie. Angi spent the entire call sulking and wishing that someone could/would possibly love her as much as Cheffy loves Big Cat. Cheffy intends to be sitting in the car waiting to hear the check in today. Which brings me to that. I've made no secret of my adoration for Big Cat because he's just awesome. For today's Tuesday Big Cat check in, we were handed some fun intel. He discussed his friend Cheffy (from earlier) and Ethan (some newbie twink) in shout outs and Abe and Angi were not having it. They were adamant about getting the drinking list and that's what we got. So far today he had 16 beers, 2 shots of Jack Daniels. He quit drinking Busch because Angi and Abe made fun of him. He's switched over to Ice House because why not? He drinks 28 beers on Tuesdays so he doesn't go expensive and instead goes cheaper because he drinks so many. He plans on taking a dip in the hot tub after golfing today. The discussion turned toward his Greek god body, he's gorgeous it seems (where are the goddamn pictures!) Big Cat is not a swinger yet even though he has a hot tub but who knows, it may happen. Let me strongly emphasize here one more time, I love Big Cat, he's our best roadie, hands down.

Request Wars:

Current Champion: Vacant

Challenger Song Choice: "I Don't Wanna Stop"

Challenger Song Choice: "Wanted Dead or Alive"

Observation: Oh look, a no show which means I have to take time out of my notes to sit here and drag some dumb pig who couldn't be bothered to show up. While Jen was busy sleeping, Darby snatched up the belt without contest.

Winner: Darby

10 o' Clock Toast:

Gene & Jude's. Winner of the Rock 95.5 listener Sweet 16 bracket for Best Hot Dogs in Chicago. Runners up included Jacky's, Superdawg and Home Depot.

Show Quotes and Tidbits:

Duo Quote:

"Binge drinking is 4 to 5 drinks in one sitting." - Angi

"Oh, so you're the master of binge drinking then...." - Abe

Tidbit: PSAbe: Don't do shots of whipped cream.

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