Angi Taylor Show Recap with Jay the Gay - 6-4-2021

This is a small taste of the show overall, the bits and bobs that I found interesting and funny, insightful and relevant. To hear everything that happened, check out the podcast version of the show. If you want a quick read along with random self inserts and my personal thoughts, you've come to the right place.

Call in Point:

(This is the broadstroke canvas on which I base my call, obviously these notes are going to be longer and more detailed.)

Here's a thought that rarely crosses people's minds, is it better to live in a big city or a small town? For Abe, he could never do a small town. Everyone is everyone's business, they only have a general store where they sell tampons and marbles and of course, Stamos is too "Hollywood" to come see him in Bumtick, Illinois. Tack on the everyone knowing everyone (because they're all probably cousins,) they all hang out at the single saloon in town and on top of that, they all bang each other. Now that we've deciphered why Abe hates small town living, let's hear Angi's list of the pros for both city and small town living.

Top 5 city perks: There are more jobs, they have better transportation, there's overall better access to the arts and culture, there's a ton more stores where you can buy marbles and there's just more housing choices.

Top 5 small town perks: The air is cleaner and there is less pollution, the home prices are cheaper, overall it is more peaceful and quiet, the overall pace of life is just slower and of course, there's less crime (unless you live in Easttown.)

With the lists broken down, Angi wanted to hear the best thing about the roadies neighborhoods. For Abe, the West Loop has amazing food everywhere and it has everything, especially subs. In fact, he just learned that J.P. Graziano is open until 1 A.M. on the weekend. On a completely non related note, I should probably keep my funeral attire out for no particular reason. Angi lives in Ukranian Village, which is diverse in its people as well as restaurant offerings and cool architecture. Roadie Ethan is from Morocco, which is a town where everybody helps everyone else out. Abe chimed in to let us know that he won't help anyone aside from old people. Shane is from Marengo and there apparently is a bar there where you can get beers for 50 cents. When Angi used to be a bartender, they had quarter beers nights, which explains why there were always coins in her slot. Jeremy is from Wilmington and there, you can fish to your heart's content. Abe hates fishing because of course he does but Angi happens to love it. Austin is from Hammond and they have the Festival of the Lakes. You know what else they have, that delightful strip club where they put the wash rag on your lap. As for Julie, she's from Batavia and it's a literal prime location. 45 minutes east and she is in Chicago, 45 minutes west she can go camping. In the literal recurring theme of this segment, Abe also hates camping. As for myself, I'm in Brighton Park which is essentially a stones throw from The Loop and even though it's the Southwest Side, I haven't been shot yet so there's that.

All the Rest:

Here's a question, have you ever busted someone cheating? Angi posed this question that you can only imagine would lead to a laundry list of Angi Taylor past discretions. Anyway, a woman named Carmen dumped her boyfriend for cheating. To keep herself from having to deal with his pleas that he didn't, she blocked him on her phone and all of her socials. However, in this day and age, there's always a work around to be had and his was genius. Well, genius and a bit stalkerish. The two of them were using a Netflix account and so he decided to plead his case there. Since there are 5 accounts available on an account, he used each name as a way to drop notes. There was "I swear I'm innocent," "I love you" and my personal favorite, "please talk to me on Whatsapp." Angi found this to be completely psychotic but again, it does border on genius. We got what I had expected to hear out of all this. Angi told a story about a jobber she dated in college who she busted with another girl's number on a piece of paper. He tried to play it off that it was nothing but she was persistent and wanted to call the number. Before she could though, the loser tackled her, grabbed the paper and swallowed it before she had a chance to call it. Needless to say, she made the right choice and booted him right after. This was not the same guy that Abe assumed it was, that one was from high school and currently looks like he eats steroids for breakfast. I'm assuming he's either training to be a horse, getting a role in a Marvel movie or is an MLB player.

You're never going to believe this (because it's not true) but Abe has an incredible (fake) Lolla story. He was interviewing Tom Morello for a station he used to work at and he ended up signing and giving him a Martin acoustic guitar (in his delusional mind.) While walking around backstage, he ran into Perry Farrell who was getting ready to sing "Jane Says" and get this, he needed a guitar and Abe stepped up to the cause (he really didn't.) As a thank you, Perry invited Abe onstage to sing the song with him (and then Abe woke up.) For her tale, Angi told the story about how she was at Lolla and ended up dropping acid with Lana Del Rey after her set. They then ended up going off to get matching lip injections. I would say this is a made up story but I wouldn't be surprised if this actually happened. Anyway, Angi and Abe were looking to hear some incredible fake stories about things that happened to roadies while they were at Lolla (I have one that I'll include below.) Kevin called in and told literally the longest story I've ever heard that did not end. The messed up part was it was a real story and dear god it really went nowhere. Something about his birthday weekend, getting a double dose of viagra from the doctor, doing shrooms and molly and then both doses of viagra. Six hours later, the story ended with him running out of his hotel in a sheet or something, I don't know, I fell asleep. Moving on to John, who got the purpose of this stupidity. He told a story about him and the king of wet teeth Anthony Kiedis drinking whiskey, doing bong hits, banging four different groupies and then they ended the night by climbing The Bean together. As for me, I went to Lolla once and through my deceased best friend Vinchenzo, was able to get backstage. There I met Eddie Vedder who once we locked eyes as I was shoving a foot long hot dog in my mouth, couldn't stop talking to me. We ended up going back to my apartment where I showed off my collective of glory holes but he was voracious and wanted me. As I laid in bed, screaming, he proceeded to write the lyrics on my back to "Spin the Black Circle," which I'm assuming had something to do with the drilldo he had been using on me at the time. Needless to say, I got no credit and he "lost my number." Le sigh.

Finally, as we've discussed all day, today is Rise Against Day here in Chicago. It's amazing that a local band that has existed for this long and made such an impact that they got their very own deserved day. Because Abe is besties with lead singer Tim McIlrath, he had him check in to the show to kick off this fantastic day proper. As for the announcement of the day itself, it came as a huge surprise to the band. Angi was curious as to how the whole thing came about and Tim honestly wasn't sure himself. He did mention that they had requested there be a Ferris Bueller style parade. Angi mentioned how it must feel great to be recognized in your own home town with a day (probably fishing for a Minn Angi Taylor Day with that one.) Tonight, the band will be doing an album release signing at Reckless Records in Wicker Park. For Tim, it's crazy that this day has finally come because of covid and everything that has prevented the record from coming out and the band playing shows. As I said, they will be doing a signing and the band is looking forward to seeing people again finally. In fact, he broke a little news about their upcoming North American tour, saying that today we should hear more about it as well as who they'll be touring with. Angi told Tim that the last time she saw him was at the Alter Ego festival in L.A. and it was when they played with Tom Morello and Steve Aoki. When pressed about what to do when asked to play with Aoki, Tim's answer was initially confusion but they figured out how to make it work. It should be noted he has never been caked by Aoki (but let's face it, there's still a chance it can happen.) They did however share a moment of seeing each other at different shows and performing after the initial event. There was a question about his high school days, when he was being picked on by gym teachers (so you already know Abe asked this) and did he ever imagine that one day there would be an actual day celebrating his band. He really can't believe it but he does think that it is super cool. He also thanked Rock 95.5 for playing the band, getting tons of texts from friends alerting him that they get spun regularly. He capped the call in by thanking all of us fans who have helped the band grow and thrive all these years.

Request Wars:

Current Champion: Melissa

Challenger Song Choice: "Youth of a Nation"

Champion Song Choice: "Electric Worry"

Observation: I mean, don't dump on your band that you've chosen off the bat. Still, Matthew came through like a wrecking ball and Melissa sucked as much as she did yesterday. Regardless of not knowing the band, this should be easy.

Winner: Matthew

10 o' Clock Toast:

Tim McIlrath and Rise Against. Pop open a ginger ale and celebrate the band because it is their day here in Chicago and they deserve it.

Show Quotes and Tidbits:

Quote: "Any time you get tickets, we do give you two tickets." - Abe

Duo Quote:

"Do you think I'm slowly ruining your (Angi's) life?" - Abe

"Yes, yes I do." - Angi

Quote: "That whorebag Taylor is headlining Knobfest!" - Minn Barb

PSAbe: Let's not be little bitches and rip on greatness (that crybaby loser Lebron.)

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