Read the Letter PETA Sent to the Offspring

The Offspring recently released the above music video for their single, "We Never Have Sex Anymore" and PETA is less than thrilled at the chimps featured. So angry, in fact, that they wrote the most passive aggressive, Karen style letter ever. I've underlined my favorite parts.

Dear Mr. Holland,
The out-of-touch video for "We Never Have Sex Anymore" risks resurrecting the chimpanzee trade in Hollywood. Dressing up chimpanzees, presenting their fear grimaces as "smiles," and placing them side by side with celebrities is a dangerous messaging trifecta, and there isn’t a primate expert alive who doesn’t condemn this kind of old-school exploitation. If you were going for counterculture, you hit it out of the park.
We believe that the chimpanzees in the video came from the notorious animal supplier Steve Martin, who has been cited numerous times for failing to meet the minimum standards set by the federal Animal Welfare Act, including for locking chimpanzees and orangutans in cramped, barren “night housing” for up to 18 hours a day. He also has a history of disposing of unwanted chimpanzees and other wild animals. Two of the chimpanzees he used ended up at the atrocious G.W. Zoo, which was featured in Netflix’s Tiger King.
There are plenty of things we all miss about the ’90s — but animal exploitation isn’t among them. Every minute your video remains online, it risks legitimizing a cruel industry, propping up the exotic “pet” trade, and reversing years of animal advocacy work that has nearly ended the use of chimpanzees in Hollywood. These chimpanzees’ tragic story is something that just can’t repeat. We urge you to pull the video immediately.

Nothing like sarcasm and condescension to get someone to sympathize with your cause! Aside from all the other atrocities PETA commits, including literally stealing a dog from its owner's porch and euthanizing it, this is why no one likes you, PETA.

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