Angi Taylor Show Recap with Jay the Gay - 4-30-2021

This is a small taste of the show overall, the bits and bobs that I found interesting and funny, insightful and relevant. To hear everything that happened, check out the podcast version of the show. If you want a quick read along with random self inserts and my personal thoughts, you've come to the right place.

Call in Point:

(This is the broadstroke canvas on which I base my call, obviously these notes are going to be longer and more detailed.)

This morning, Angi decided that dragging people for their secret shames was a good way to go. Trust me, I feel seen, peeped on, viewed through a glory hole, you name it. Noted rapper and face tattoo afficinato Post Malone recently brought an entourage of fellow losers with him to a collectable card shop to drop a ton of cash on Magic the Gathering cards. If you're not familiar, Magic is a TCG (trading card game) that has been around forever but has recently found a resurgence in the same vein as Pokemon cards. Mainly due to Instagrammers and Tik Toker's who open packs of old cards to mine expensive ones and scream about it on their streams. The ironic reality we live in now is that everything has some form of value to it through a combination of nostalgia and people willing to deep dive through cash to get likes. So being a fan and collector, Post Malone bought a ton of cards and Angi was inspired by it to create a topic. What is something that is dorky that you're totally into. Archery, Magic the Gathering, beekeeping, are you really into watching wrestling? Abe is obviously into wrestling and before moving into The Ivory Tower, Abe had a ton of KISS toys that are now probably in a landfill. Angi has something akin to this as well as she loves to go to flea markets and garage sales, any place she can basically openly consume junk. However, even though she likes this stuff, there are no cluttered rooms in her house, it is very open, airy and breezy. In fact, the only room that can be considered remotely dirty would be Jay the Straight's art room, which he uses every night to paint in. He finds it absolutely relaxing (and if you follow him on socials and have seen some of his work, it is very good.) So anyway, what's the dorky hobby that has you feeling seen like me today? Is it anime, porn, collecting junk, let's start digging in. Kevin collects Hot Wheel cars, which were also collecte by Abe as well ... when he was 3. Kevin had found out one he had from when he was a kid was worth 20 bucks and he sort of started to collect from there. Todd has a bunch of game-used Bears cleats. The fun here comes in where he got them. Some came from auctions, others came through by uh um "shady means." He also has 3,500 Ka'Deem Carey cards (someone get the Guiness Book on the line please) because he met him and he grew on him. Much like fungus, Angi grows on you as well but there are no cards of her around. Abe proceeded to then mention that he has 3,500 Dickey Simpkins, Iván Calderón and PT Willis cards (personally, I'm jelly.) Over on Facebook, Robert was simply geeked out discussing his vinyl collection. As for me, I have Magic cards that Angi shamed me about in our group text as well an embarrassing amount of Funko figures scattered about my apartment. Wrestling too, we can't forget how much I love wrestling. If you're wondering, yes, I do hate myself.

All the Rest:

So, in case you live under a bridge or were out giving mouth hugs behind a dumpster last night, big things happened yesterday. You would be hard pressed to not know with the way that Abe was screaming and yelling about it this morning. Yes, for more time than necessary, Abe was losing his mind about the Bears all morning. Literally, he couldn't contain himself and there was a lot of token Abe Kanan yelling and screaming. One would assume, had you not been close to any form of media yesterday that someone took Abe's mayo with the way he was behaving. To say the least, he was excited and only Stamos or Drew McIntyre could elicit more of a reaction. He went from hating on the "Chicago Football Team" to fully reembracing his beloved Bears. In fact, Abe had actually been running multiple smack talk threads while watching the draft until the Bear suddenly came up and he just began screaming and yelling in the clutter free Ivory Tower. Of course, Abe also had to brag (because what would the morning be without that,) as he had mentioned Justin Fields before he was eventually selected. I think the take away there was that Abe put this into the universe and made it happen. Anyway, The Red Rooster Andy Dalton is apparently dead before even starting and nothing else is even relevant anymore. Chicago is once again back on top and we are going to be amazing (until we're not and Abe hates the team once again when they blow things as they tend to do.) The other sports related tidbit that slid into this football sandwich that consumed the show today was noted closet case (allegedly,) cheese packer and Jeopardy host Aaron Rodgers. He apparently hates Green Bay and wants out (probably so he can get that sweet Jeopardy job) but good luck on that. However, it should be noted that if he did leave and somehow ended up in Chicago, Abe would go with him to Hydrate in a heartbeat. In fact, if known crybaby and hebitch Lebron James came to the Bulls, he'd be all over him. Tom Brady, he'd be tailgating in the parking lot playing leapfrog with Gronk. You get the point, Abe will kiss anyones ass apparently. The last thing to say about this, Abe said we won't have to hear him disparage the Bears anymore (until of course they screw up and he turns them into the "Chicago Football Team" once more.) It should be noted this consumed a ton of the morning and you'll be hearing a lot of Bears talk (if you hit up the podcast) so I grabbed the most important bits.

Moving right along to something else for a second, a girl on Tik Tok has been giving what could be considered insider tips about Vegas. Things like "don't eat from chain restaurants," and "don't confuse The Strip with Downtown Vegas" are topics she has covered lately. In my mind, this all seems like no brainer stuff but what do I know right? Anyway, this inspired Angi to ask for some insider tips for and about Chicago. She had a few off the bat that she wanted to share. "Don't bother going to Navy Pier" which was followed up seconds later with "Go to Navy Pier if you have kids." Pick a lane woman! Speaking of lanes, "don't walk down a sidewalk 4 people wide." Abe's tips were a bit more helpful (somewhat.) "If there's a dude with a gas can near a gas station, it's a scam." This jobber is just trying to swindle money from you and you should not fall for such trickery. In fact, Abe has a plan for the next time he encounters one of these people. He's going to actively go and fill up either the gas can or the tank of the car that belongs to the desperate person. After doing this, he's going to walk them to their car to make sure it gets used. I, in turn, will be prepping for the show after he does this as this seems like a surefire way to get stabbed. "We don't eat deep dish all the time." Truer words have never been spoken and this is something I can get behind. I only tend to have a deep dish once a year at most for a treat but other than that, I never eat it unless I have friends in from out of town. We like deep dish, we don't love it. Here's another thing, we don't say CHI-town and if you say that, you'll probably get slapped. Unless of course you're on the spot on the radio and are asked to do something 30 seconds prior and accidentally say CHI once ... cough. Corianna said that people from out of town should be skipping those awful mainstream bars and check out dive bars instead. I'll throw my hat in on this one as I know an amazing hole in the wall called Rossi's. Tony called to say, if you're riding the Blue Line, don't be afraid to ask for directions. Don't look dumb, just do it because it makes more sense to. The thing about Chicago is most of the people who talk smack only do so because they only see the news but have never experienced the city, if they do, they would see how amazing and world class it truly is.

Finally, in what could only be considered an "oops," poor Head Roadie Ferrari made a mistake. "Kevin" called in to discuss something else but he ended up on the wrong end of the ball busting pendulum. This had to do with an accidental message he sent to Abe on Facebook Messenger, which was meant for a "friend." "Hey you" was all Abe needed to see to drag Ferrari so far that he would never hear the end of it. You see, he was attempting to make plans on Facebook Messenger and he got Abe mixed up with this girl. It all involved Abe's gimp foot and him using his excuse to not do stuff and Ferrari meaning to discuss that with Abe and mixing up the discussion with the girl he wanted to take out tonight. Basically, this was meant as a point of teaching a lesson about sending DM's, which Abe said not to do because it is creepy. While Angela and Kevin went back and forth giving each other the business for a few, the actual reality of what was going on was revealed (not really but I had to wrap this stupidity somehow.) You see, the girl can't go to the Sybaris with Ferrari tonight because she accidentally cooked her foot in a George Foreman grill (+1 if you get that.) Whatever, it's Friday, I'm checked out as you can see (plus this whole thing was a nonsense mess.)

Request Wars:

Current Champion: Jake

Challenger Song Choice: "Crazy Bitch"

Champion Song Choice: "I Can't Drive 55"

Observation: Well, that was weak all around, way to ruin my Friyay! That said, song should clearly be the deciding factor for this one.

Winner: Rich

10 o' Clock Toast:

Justin Fields. The Bears have finally brought us happiness and another stack of inches for Angi.

Show Quotes and Tidbits:

Quote: "We're the black sheep of the whole iHeart Chicago family." - Angi

Quote: "How do you steal 'Twofer Tuesday' from The Loop?" - Abe

Quote: "You know who has a nice booty, Andy Dalton" - Abe

Quote: "I've been googling what he's (Justin Fields) working with." - Angi

Quote: "He (Andy Dalton) has a beautiful head of red hair." - Abe

Quote: "Hey, where's that village bicycle? Is she out there giving rides?" - Minn Barb

New Head Roadie Alert! Congrats Tom - Head Roadie of New Buffalo, Michigan

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