Craigslist Missed Connections: Keys Edition

You found my keys at Jewels(NW SIDE)
I lost my keys a few weeks ago and I had a name tag on them and you found them and stopped by my home to tell me you found them. Your a middle aged male, same here, I was really happy to get them back and as you handed them to me,I dropped them again, I went down to get them and that's when I saw a way to thank you. You were very happy You left with a smile, You gave me your name and number but I lost it I almost want to loose them again and maybe another guy will find them and I can thank him lol

This is a rollercoaster from start to finish. Lost keys, horny now???, name and number achieved, number lost, ONTO THE NEXT (???)

I appreciate the unadulterated confidence it must take to post both about a specific person, but also just anyone who's interested. You, or whatever I can get.

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