Glenn Danzig is Bad Bathory in Death Rider In The House Of Vampires

Every once in a great while the stars align and magic happens in cinema.. I'm not sure this is one of those times. But... How could you possibly pass up the opportunity to see Danny Trejo as a cowboy vampire along with the captivating acting style of Glenn Danzig as Bad Bathory. You get gore, vampires, more gore, more vampires, all wrapped up with some editing that will make you feel like you just road The Zipper for third straight time. It's everything you hoped from a Glenn Danzig cowboy vampire movie, with a bonus Trejo trying to talk through his fangs.

Rejoice! You will delight in traditional gun fights, hookers with fangs, and dialog that makes Plan 9 From Outer Space feel like Shakespeare.

Wisely, the writers decide to make the price of attendance into the vampire sanctuary "1 untouched virgin".
I'm not sure it will be enough to justify the agony that awaits the poor fool who has chosen to watch this unnecessary waste of perfectly good theatrical blood.

With that said.. The trailer might be a better option.

Written by Patrick Capone

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