Craigslist Missed Connections: Painting Edition

Shelving and Painting Estimate Guy(Westmont area)
Lost your info you were going to do some shelving and painting work.
We connected over CL awhile back. Hit me back if your still interested.
You were going to give an estimate for the work and I was going to help you with what you needed

It's time for my favorite game again! "Is It a Sex Post??"

It's Craigslist, so it must be. And that last line "I was going to help you with what you needed" just screams bangin'.

But here's the issue: wtf is "painting" and "shelving" supposed to be a euphemism for??

I can, unfortunately, imagine how painting could become a sexual term, but shelving?

Really though, all of this is neither here nor there because this post isn't going to work anyway. Not because of the vague implications or anything.

They just used the wrong "your."

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