Would you buy a book about the life and times of Sublime in the 90's?

Concerts In Your Car's Sublime With Rome's Drive-In Concert

This June fans of Sublime can look for a graphic novel about the life and times of the band that even now holds a strong fan base well beyond their west coast origins. If it was their 90's anti-authority vibe that connected to people, their 420 infused lifestyle, or the untimely death of band leader Bradley Nowell just as the band was reaching its apex in popularity, this is quite a story.

The softcover will go for $24.99, hardcover $39.99 and a Super Deluxe with major audio extras and trinkets goes for $199.99.

The LBC is where it all started but working here in Chicago in the mid/late 90's I was pleasantly surprised we grabbed on for the ride and continue to roll some primo Sublime into our Rock955 playlist.

Scott Seine of the band’s management company Surfdog/DKM says, "We knew the band’s iconic music always had the added elements behind it of their history of hijinks, anti-authority attitude, and follow-no-rules lifestyle, and this combination would make for an amazing comic book the fans would cherish.”

And I'm in for 40.


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