Study Says Women Don't Like Cat Guys

According to the Wall Street Journal, chicks don't dig cat dudes. The study says heterosexual men who have a cat in their online dating profile photos have a 5% lower "like" rate than those without. (straight women, on the other hand, had a 7% lower "like" rate if they had a cat in their photos. That old crazy cat lady trope.)

But why?? Cats are awesome (and largely misunderstood by those only used to dogs), and if a guy owns a cat, that's a big GREEN flag for me. If a dude has a cat, that means he has patience, is capable of taking care of a being without receiving praise in return all the time, and will take the time to really get to know me. All of those things are crucial to both cat ownership and relationships.

So ladies, trust me, give the cat guy a chance.

Unless you're allergic. Terrible idea.

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