Craigslist Missed Connections: Scrabble Edition

Let's play scrabble
It is not like my vocabulary got any better. The world got crazier though. I may have learned new words from my TV. Oh, and I discovered new red wines. You’d love them all! They are not sold at Trader Joe. They are from a pricier breed at Costco. Funny thing is that I bought a whole crate without even looking at a price tag. When I was at cashiers I was like ... gee, did the cheese cost $200 or something? Funny me. How about you? Fun every day?

It time for my new favorite Missed Connections game to play: Is this a sex post?

I know what you're thinking, "no."

Ok that was more abrupt than I was expecting but I see your point. This certainly doesn't seem like a sex post-

-at first glance.

DUN, DUN, DUNNNNN... (that was supposed to be that alarming music they play when a plot twist is revealed. You know what I'm going for.)

Starting off any post on Craigslist with "Let's play..." automatically puts a point in the "Sex Post" category.

Not to mention, scrabble is only even mentioned in the title. Then the rest of the post is about wine and cheese. Ya know, like what you'd eat on a date.

Before sex.

Another point for sex post.

Also, "Fun every day?" That's not a question people ask. No one has ever approached me online or in person and asked if I had fun every day. Sounds like they wanna have some FUN... EVERY DAY. I don't know why I thought putting it in caps would make it more titillating. Let me try again:

~*fun. every. day*~

Oh yeah. That's way hotter.

I'm going with covert sex post on this one.

Because it's Craigslist. Everything is a sex post.

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