Tom Brady Has an Insane Diet

Tom Brady is on his way to his 10th Super Bowl ring. How is this 43 year old man (ancient, by NFL standards), still keeping up with the 22 year olds on the field? His legitimately crazy diet might be to thank.

Tom drinks 12-25 glasses of water a day (electrolyte-infused, of course). He eats "alkalizing" foods to decrease inflammation in his body. 80% of his diet is (organic) vegetables, and the other 20% is lean meats.

"But none of that sounds weird." Yeah, but look at what he doesn't eat.


  • white sugar
  • white flour
  • iodized salt
  • tomatoes
  • peppers
  • mushrooms
  • eggplants
  • coffee
  • caffeine

I'm very happy that incredibly strict regimen is working out for Tom. (Note: The Brady family has a personal chef. In case you were wondering how they keep up with all of this.) I'm also incredibly happy to be shoveling pizza in my face while writing this blog.

And that's the ONLY reason you and I will never have 9 Super Bowl rings.

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