Craigslist Missed Connection: Spy Edition

In case you can't read the text or the pic doesn't show up for you, the post reads:

Looking for other spies.(Oak lawn)
I'm a 34 years old Male British MI5 spy looking to hookup with female Russian SVR spies. Together we can create very very big spy ring. Lol

For a moment, I'd like to live in the world where this is an actual spy. A world where this spy is so oblivious to the requirements of his job, that he both publicly posts his spy status, AND wants to hook up with other, multiple, spies from a nation with a strained relationship to his own. I want a full-fledged softcore about this, tbh. For science.

But maybe that is the world we live in. Maybe he knew it was so unbelievable for a spy to just outright post about it publicly, that hiding in plane sight was his strategy. Maybe this is how relations with Russia can be fixed.

Or maybe some dude wants to dress up in spy gear and bang.

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