James Hetfield and the News - Hip To Be Sandman

My ol' man would often pass along wise phrases to me. I'm sure it has something to do with the Irish side of the family. One of his most common phrases was "Patrick, just because you can do something... Doesn't mean you should."

This might be the perfect example of what he was talking about.

While neither you nor I may have sat down and wondered what it would be like if James Hetfield was the front man for Huey Lewis and the News, brother Bill McClintock has decided to answer that question for us with this incredibly well done mashup of Enter Sandman and Hip to be Square. Once again, I am amazed at how well the vocals fit this completely different style tune. Plus 10 points for a well edited video.

These days Huey is living the life of relaxation in a small town in Montana with a population of just over 1800 people. Several years ago, he announced massive hearing loss do to Meniere's disease and as a result cancelled his entire 2018 tour. This leaves his band completely free if ever James decides to give this idea a go.


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