Rick Nielsen's Piece Pizza Teams Up WIth Sammy Hagar To Help Local Venues

You've heard me talk about how hard it's been for local music venues. I mean, when you can't have live concerts, it's really hard to make ends meet.

So Rick Nielsen of Cheap Trick, who's a co-partner in Piece Pizzeria & Brewery in Wicker Park, is teaming up with Sammy Hagar to create the Classic Red Rocker 5150 Pizza to help save our stages during the pandemic.

Drool alert! It's a red pizza topped with extra Italian sausage, sauteed mushrooms and onions caramelized in their Brew Balance lager, just $27! $5 from every pizza sold will benefit the Chicago Independent Venue League (CIVL) and will be available January 14-31st.

So, pizza and helping out local venues! Sounds good to me!


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