Angi Taylor Show Recap with Jay the Gay - 1-4-2020

This is a small taste of the show overall, the bits and bobs that I found interesting and funny, insightful and relevant. To hear everything that happened, check out the podcast version of the show. If you want a quick read along with random self inserts and my personal thoughts, you've come to the right place.

Call in Points:

(This is the broadstroke canvas on which I base my call, obviously these notes are going to be longer and more detailed.)

New day, new year and a welcome back to The Angi Taylor Show. How does one kick off a female fronted morning radio show's brand new year, by celebrating Manuary (or as I like to think of it, every day for me.) That's right, the station will spend the entire rest of the month celebrating all things men and the greatness we encompass. Clearly, something feels wrong about this but who cares, we are men and we are awesome. Now, as I wait for Angi to go fetch me a sandwich, let me see if I can remember how to be informative after this long break and see if I can unpack the notes from the show today.

There are few things in life you can always count on. Falling asleep after drinking too much Jack Daniels, the longing that comes from waiting for the pizza guy when you're hungover and of course, Abe Kanan needing some form of favor from the listeners. Once upon a time, abe was blocked by Hulk Hogan on Twitter because he said something ridiculous to him. After rounding up a bunch of followers, Abe launched a campaign to get unblocked and it was successful. So low and behold, we are in the same situation once again as Abe has gone and said something that got him blocked again, this time by former White Sox great Frank Thomas. So roadies, we need a favor. If you have a Twitter, you need to go and tweet Frank and get him to unblock Abe. Here's something akin to a template for you to work off of. [@TheBigHurt_35, Hey Frank, you accidentally blocked @abekanan and he's your biggest fan, could you please unblock him.] Angi, in her wisdom, got an idea from this whole mess and figured she should block Abe as well (smart move.) This also became a question of who has blocked you on Twitter. Angi was once blocked by Leann Rimes. Listener Kristina was blocked by Emilo Estevez after talking trash. Promotion Director Jason was blocked by Ashanti. As for me, I've never been blocked because my Twitter is all about show promotion and shamelessly liking wrestling related stuff. How about you listeners, who blocked you, let Angi and Abe know on Twitter.

You want new, you want exciting, well this isn't that but it is coming next week. Request Wars, a staple segment from Abe is making its way to Rock 95.5 next week. It is the premiere trash talking, song choosing and morning throw down. Here's how it works, you pick your favorite song, another listener does the same. You two are matched up against one another and you let your words and your songs do the talking. Each day, a winner is chosen by the listeners through phone and Twitter voting. That person becomes the champ and goes onward each day until they lose. Here's the catch, every day means a brand new rock song so be ready to pull some gems if you plan on winning several days over. If you do win, you will end up in the Request Wars hall of fame on the Rock 95.5 website, have a chance to win prizes and of course, get daily air time to make yourself into a morning superstar. Btw, we want rock, no Taylor Swift but also no weird obscure black death metal garbage either.

Finally, we all tend to do dumb things during the holidays. In today's token example, a guy got drunk on Thanksgiving and hooked up with his girlfriend's sister. Going to beacon of good advice, he asked Men's Health what he should do. Their response was if it was an isolated incident, keep it secret and move on. So this turned into another listener directed question, if you cheat once, regardless of circumstance, do you tell your partner? Angi and Abe seemed to be on the same page as Men's Health, saying that if it only occurred once and won't happen again, let sleeping dogs lie. This was echoed by listener James who said he wouldn't want to hear about it as well because if it happened between his girlfriend and a friend, he would end up losing both of them. What do you think roadies, should an accidental or intentional one and done affair be made public or should it be kept under the sheets where it was made. Feel free to hit up Angi and Abe on Twitter and let them know your thoughts on the matter.

Other Topics:

Keeping with the tradition of Manuary, the rest of these notes will be all about Abe (because he tends to do a lot of noteworthy things that always need to be addressed.) So let's begin with the opening of the show, where Abe discussed how after two weeks away from the show, he got lost on Lower Wacker this morning. He missed his exit, he went the wrong way on a one way street and in a moment of desperation, he called Angi for help. Our exalted goddess and all around kind spirit of course ignored the call, as she felt it is time for all of our mutual son Abe to grow up. To add to the panic, Abe was further pushed into fear knowing that both The Joker and Bane both live on Lower Wacker as well. Ahh, to be so simple and yet somehow made it this far.

(This is a hodgepodge of discussion so drink in all the disjointed thought process) So, new year, new you, that is the motto Abe has been following for all 3 days of this year so far. He's been working out and his motivation is to do it daily, even though he was already sore today and his bones are probably rattling. It probably helps that he is teetering toward his "fat" clothes. Angi, on the other hand, intended to start today, as she does have a Peloton sitting at home and today is her official start to the new year. In other news, Abe is buying a condo soon so he spent the Christmas time off and gift giving getting himself some new stuff. Angi, who revealed that she and Abe both had covid in November, spent her time off visiting her best friend in Florida. While relaxing and recharging in God's armpit, she went to the casino, played a little black jack and made herself a nice sum of cash. Abe decided to alert all the fellow muggers that she was holding a bank in an attempt to probably get her killed this morning. Another highlight of the trip, a woman fainted on Angi's flight and Angi sprung into action, officially making her a hero now. Abe took a moment to explain that he once fainted at the vet when his dog had to have a bowel blockage removed. Also wrapped into this discussion was Angi explaining how she had to take and put her mask on every time she sipped from a straw. To solve this problem, Abe Kanan (Master Inventor) came up with an idea. How about a mask that has a straw attached to it. It clearly makes a lot of sense as having a mask with an opening near the mouth surely doesn't defeat the purpose of a mask at all. Finally, in this recap roundabout, Angi wondered if Abe binged any shows, as he slyly asked for her Netflix and Disney Plus logins. Head Roadie Nora checked in to discuss that having a ton of shows to watch gives her anxiety and then went down a laundry list of things that should and needed to be watched, which eventually Abe had to shut down because he was getting anxious hearing about all these shows. We also learned that Angi doesn't pay for Peacock, but then again does anyone?

Lastly, in today's Drunk Ninja News, we learned the origin of Drunk Ninja. The idea came in that everyone is wearing a mask and therefore, when they get drunk with a mask on, they look like ninjas. A 30 year old from England named Thomas Dood got wasted on Christmas Eve and decided it was a good idea to change his name to Celine Dion. He filed out an application online, paid the fee and passed out only to wake up and days later, receive paperwork reminding him of what he had done. So, have you ever gotten so drunk enough that you went online and accidentally changed your legal name, feel free to let Angi and Abe know on Twitter.

10 o' Clock Toast: This one goes out to men, especially white men. That's why there's Manuary, to celebrate men who make contributions to Chicago. MEN!

Show Quotes and Tidbits:

Quote: "I'm so happy we're celebrating men, never have you been celebrated before." - Angi

Quote: "If a country gives us money, it doesn't matter what they do." - Abe

Quote: "Just so you know, anyone could buy me" - Abe

Quote: "I hate anyone whose whole life is based on one thing." - Abe

Quote: "Can I date you James? You sound like you're down for anything (small pause) I'm not gay!" - Abe

Quote: "Maybe that's why Frank blocked me, because I talk about too many White Sox players junk" - Abe

Tidbit: The first caller of the new year was Glenn - Head Roadie of BBW.

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